
Young Striker Lee Carries the Bunny Striker Lee Legacy

Bunny Striker Lee’s son whom we call Young Striker Lee, has been managing the Gorgon catalog for the past 3 years.  In that time, he honored his father’s life’s work, adapted to the marketplace’s demand for his father’s catalog, and upheld the family legacy.

Young Striker Lee has been at his father’s side since birth, so maintaining the family legacy is a natural order.

VP:  You’ve been handling the catalog of your Dad’s productions for the past three years, and have worked with him for more than that.  Has the experience so far been tall shoes to fill?

YSL:  I’ve been handling my father’s catalog since 2008 and it has been a tremendous experience.  My partnerships [which started with my Dad] have been longstanding so filling the shoes has not been hard.

VP:  Prior to your Dad’s passing, were you aware of the immensity of his legacy?

YSL:  My Dad and I have been inseparable since I was born.  I have always been aware of the immensity of his legacy and it is an honor and very important to me.

VP:  Has your approach towards the production and management of music changed or remained the same in the past year?

YSL:  My Dad always said ‘everything under the sun shall perish – music alone shall live.’  Music production continues and we have a lot coming in the pipeline in the near future.  There are some changes with the time but things pretty much are the same.

VP:  What are some of your favorite songs from the Bunny ‘Striker’ Lee archives?

YSL:  As my father would say, ‘we can’t have a favorite in the catalog!’  John Holt, Delroy Wilson, Slim Smith – you name it, we love them all.  My Dad is my favorite producer.  I love everything he has done!

VP:  What has you most excited for 2024?

YSL:  2024 is looking very bright and I am excited for the projects to come.  Stay tuned and you will be excited too.