
Tonight- Hakka Association of New York presents- Finding Samuel Lowe: From Harlem to China

Flushing Town Hall hosts a screening of the documentary Finding Samuel Lowe: From Harlem to China on August 4. The film follows three successful black siblings from Harlem as they embark on an emotional journey to trace their family lineage. Paula Williams Madison and her brothers, Elrick and Howard Williams, start with their Chinese-Jamaican roots, and soon the story of their grandfather’s past begins to unfold. Despite their vastly different upbringings, the siblings find his experience mirrors their own in a variety of ways. They set their sights on China to discover more about their grandfather and their heritage. Along with 16 family members, they visit two cities, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and their ancestral village, discovering documentation that traces their family back over 3,000 years. The documentary explores the depth of family, highlighting the joy and power it has to unite people from all over the world. Paula and her family’s emotional search demonstrates the power of familial love and devotion to conquer race, time, and distance. You can purchase tickets here. Tickets are $5/Free for Flushing Town Hall members and New York Hakka Conference participants. Filmmaker and entrepreneur Paula Williams Madison will join the screening with Q&As and her book Finding Samuel Lowe: China, Jamaica, Harlem. Screening starts at 7:30 PM, but come at 6:30 PM to enjoy food and music prepared by Caribbean Food Delights and VP Records. This event is supported by New York Hakka Conference and Hakka Association of New York.

Flushing Town Hall is accessible by car, bus, train and foot – located a short distance from the 7 train – at 137-35 Northern Blvd., in Flushing, Queens.

This season, Flushing Town Hall is opening its doors to teenagers – for FREE. Under the “Teen Access Program”, all 13- to 19-year- old boys and girls (whether a member or not) will be welcomed to attend any performance for free. The program is designed to appeal to students and help foster a greater love in the arts and culture.



明天﹝週五﹞傍晚將有一場感人至深的紀錄片放映活動《尋找羅定朝:從哈林到中國》(Finding Samuel Lowe: From Harlem to China)。請千萬別錯過。


紐約哈林區出生長大的三個兄妹,母親為中國與牙買加混血,父親為非裔美國人,因此自小便知道他們具有非洲、中國、牙買加的血統。從哈林區的街區,晉身至房地產公司,甚至有自己的電視頻道,事業有所成就的小妹從未忘記母親的遺憾﹝媽媽三歲後從未再見過外公﹞,因此決定開始尋找外公─羅定朝(Samuel Lowe)。寶拉‧威廉斯‧麥迪遜(Paula Williams Madison),中文名羅笑娜,為前美國國家廣播公司記者及副總裁(NBC Universal)。她與哥哥們憑著直覺,堅持尋根,從美國、加拿大的客家社團、聯繫到牙買加的客家人,一直到中國廣東,一步步追尋著外公的足跡,慢慢地抽絲剝繭,最後找到遠在異鄉的親人們。整個過程由導演江明月紀錄,後羅笑娜更撰寫成書,將奇特與充滿驚喜的尋找家族的歷程透過影像及文字分享。每次放映,總讓民眾熱淚盈眶。不分種族,不分年齡,這個活動將讓您重新思索「家」的意義。歡迎您按此瀏覽預告片。





6:30  歡迎茶會﹝現場備有加勒比海輕食與音樂演出﹞

7:30  紀錄片放映

9:00  映後座談﹝羅笑娜將親臨現場進行深度分享﹞